Prevention Board Grant Application ​​Opportunity

All grant awards from the Prevention Board will require, at a minimum, the DOA Standard Terms & Conditions and DOA Supplement Terms & Conditions linked to the left. The agreement will also include a scope of service and budget.​

Grant Opportunity

433001-G25-0002489: Family Resource Center of Quality​ Grant
Direct questions about this open competitive request for application should be sent to Claire Ackerman, Submit completed applications to Applications will be accepted until 2 pm on January 15, 2025. 
2489 – FRC of Quality Grant
2489 – Application form (Word document - MS Word 97-2003 version)
2489 – budget spreadsheet (excel spreadsheet)
2489 – budget narrative document​​ (Word document - MS Word 97-2003 version)​
2489 - addendum with re​ceived questions and answers (PDF)
Note: We have been notified that some users are experiencing technical issues accessing the word and excel files. If this occurs, please email (​​) and request the files. We apologize for this issue and we are attempting to address it.
Questions and clarifications regarding the application included noted errors, discrepancies, ambiguities or deficiencies must be submitted in writing to ​​​ on or before 4 p.m. on December 18. 
A zoom session is scheduled for December 4. Details in the RFA.
If questions are submitted, the Prevention Board will post an addendum to the RFA. Proposers are expected to submit a signed copy of the addendum with the application. ​​

433001-G25-0002488: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board Supplementary Primary Prevention Grant
Direct questions about this open competitive request for application should be sent to Claire Ackerman, Submit completed applications to Applications will be accepted until 2 pm on January 8, 2025. 
2488 – Supplementary Primary Prevention Grant
2488 – Application form (Word document)
2488 – budget spreadsheet (excel spreadsheet)
2488 – budget narrative document​ (Word document)​
2488 - addendum with received questions with answers (PDF)
Note: We have been notificed that some users are experiencing technical issues accessing the word and excel files. If this occurs, please email (​​) and request the files. We apologize for this issue and we are attempting to address it.
Questions and clarifications regarding the application included noted errors, discrepancies, ambiguities or deficiencies must be submitted in writing to ​​ on or before 4 p.m. on December 11. 
A zoom session is scheduled for November 20. Details in the RFA.
If questions are submitted, the Prevention Board will post an addendum to the RFA. Proposers are expected to submit a signed copy of the addendum​ with the application. ​​

Future Fund​i​​n​​g Opportunities​

Additional competitive funding opportunities will be posted when available. To receive notification of future funding opportunities​, please complete the fields below. 
* indicates required
