
​Call for Reviewers 

The Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (Prevention Board) is seeking reviewers to evaluate applications for competitive funding opportunities. The Prevention Board is planning to release new competitive funding opportunities for a future three-year funding cycle. If you are interested, please read through the process and expectations below. There is a short form​ to complete and Prevention Board staff will follow up with you. 

Your Feedback Matters


Applications are submitted for specified competitive funding opportunities. External reviewers with primary prevention experience are included in the review process of those applicants to provide the Prevention Board staff with critical feedback in an effort to make the best decisions for allocating limited funding. 

Gain Experience

Participating in the review process is an excellent way to gain first-hand experience with the grant writing process. Reviewing applications will provide you with insight into best practices for submitting a competitive grant application.

Time Commitment

It typically takes each reviewer 1 – 2 hours to read and rate each application individually. Potential reviewers will be provided with applications, instructions and a score sheet to conduct the review.  There will be one virtual meeting (typically 1-3 hours) of all the reviewers to discuss each of the scores together and finalize the materials presented to the Prevention Board. This is a formalized process which will be guided by Prevention Board grant management staff.

Guidance for Potential Reviewers

The purpose of the outside reviewers is to provide the Prevention Board staff with constructive input and a review score on submitted applications. However, it is important to note that final funding decisions are made by the 20 members of the Prevention Board. 
Potential peer reviewers should inform the Prevention Board staff of any possible conflicts of interest before accepting an invitation to review applications. Communications between the Prevention Board staff and peer reviewers contain confidential information that should NOT be shared with third parties.
Potential reviewers can be compensated for their time. 

If you are interested, please complete the following form​ and Prevention Board staff will follow up with you.