​Family Resource Center Quality Assurance

Family Resource Centers are key to the Prevention Board’s community investment plan and approach to strengthening families. Each FRC tailors their services to the families they serve and their community needs. This is a strength and an opportunity for FRCs.
The Prevention Board has spearheaded a process for aligning the infrastructure of FRCs across the state, so that families participating in an FRC in one part of the state are met with the same approach to services as families in another part of the state. The process includes the following components:
​In Wisconsin, the FRC Network is Supporting Families Together Association​ (SFTA). SFTA is a member of the National Family Support Network ​(NFSN), a membership-based organization comprised of state networks of Family Resource Centers working together within a collective impact framework to ensure coordinated quality support for families. ​SFTA exists to develop ​and support an effective network of family support systems and early care and education systems which brings quality, strength-based services to all Wisconsin communities. SFTA has developed an accreditation process for certifying Wisconsin FRCs as an FRC of Quality.
There are currently 9 accredited FRCs of Quality in Wisconsin with 10 FRCs currently undergoing a Prevention Board grant funded infrastructure development process to build capacity toward accreditation. This story map describes the evaluation of the pilot infrastructure development process.​