

The Prevention Board annually awards over $2 million in grants to organizations for primary prevention programs and strategies that reduce the liklihood of child abuse and neglect and strengthen families. The Prevention Board must ensure that grants are distributed throughout all geographic areas of the state and in both urban and rural communities. Prevention Board grants are funded with federal CBCAP funds, state general purpose revenue, birth ceritifcate revenue and Celebrate Children Foundation funding. Starting in state fiscal years 2022/23, the Prevention Board grant funding included Preschool Development Grant and Child Care Development Block Grant ARPA funds from the Department of Children and Families. 

Com​​​petitive Grant Making Process

Most grants are awarded through a competitive grand funding process. Funding announcements are posted on this website and are sent to those who have signed up to receive funding announcements​. To sign up for funding announcements fill out the form at the bottom of the Funding Opportunities​ page.  

All grant applications undergo this multi-​​​step review:

  • Submitted proposals are reviewed to verify eligibility and compliance with proposal requirements
  • A Review Team scores and rates​ the submitted proposals and forwards funding recommendations to the Prevention Board 
  • Prevention Board approves the letters of intent and directs staff to start negoitations for contract deliverables

The Prevention Board follows the State of Wisconsin procurement rules. 

General Timeline

  • Funding announcments are usually posted for eight weeks, although timing requirements for some funding cycles may dictate a shorter posting period. 
  • Submitted proposals are reviewed and scored by Independent Review Teams about two weeks after the submission timeline. 
  • Reviewer scores are presented to the Prevention Board at the next quarterly meeting. The Prevention Board meetings in February, May, August and November of each year. 
  • The Prevention Board will direct staff to send letters of intent to award to the successful applicants. ​

Summary of Previous Prevention Bo​​​ard Grant Awards

  • Child Sexual Abuse Prevention: Competitive funding was ava​ilable to a community-based agency to implement child sexual abuse prevention strategies for organizations that work with children and families and coordinate Stewards of Children®. $200,000 was awarded annually for three grant cycles. 
    • Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Com​​munity Services​

  • Evidence-based and -informed Parent Education: Competitive funding was available for Family Resource Centers and other community-based agencies to implement at least one level of Triple P a​​nd additional evidence-informed parent education program. $150,000 was available to each agency annually for up to three grant cycles. Grantees included:
    • Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin (implemented in Milwaukee, Racine and Walworth Counties)
    • Kenosha County Division of Children & Family Services (implemented in Kenosha County) 
    • The Parenting Network (implemented in Milwaukee, Kenosha, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington and Waukesha Counties)
    • The Parenting Place (implemented in La Crosse, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties)

  • ​​​Family Resource Center Infrastructure Pilot: Competitive funding was available to create a uniform infrastructure and standards that support the provision of effective, quality child maltreatment primary prevention services to families of children birth to five years and promote the well-being of children and families throughout the state while reducing child abuse and neglect. Ten Family Resource Centers were awarded up to $85,000 annually for two grant cycles. Grantees included: 
    • ​Burnett County Family Resource Center, Children's Wisconsin - Black River Falls, ​Family and Childcare Resources of NEW, Family Resource Center, Inc., Family Resource Center of Sheboygan County, Family Resource Center of St. Croix Valley, The Parenting Network and The Parenting Place.​
