What We Do​

The Prevention Board was established in statute to employ policy, professional development, programming and public awareness to prevent child abuse and neglect.    

Strategic Plan

The Prevention Board sought input from parents, caregivers and community-based agencies to understand the needs of parents/caregivers and community-based agencies for primary prevention funding. This input was critical in developing the current strategic plan. The SFY23-25 strategic plan is comprised of four strategies with key initiatives to advance the Board's purpose and vision. The strategic plan informs the Prevention Board’s community-investment plan. ​

The Prevention Board's strategic goals are to:

  • Invest in communities across the state making grants to support evidence-informed practices, research and evaluation of innovative approaches
  • Educate and provide technical assistance to the professional workforce
  • Raise awareness among the general public
  • Recommend to the Governor, Legislature and state agencies changes needed to state programs, statutes, policies, budgets and administrative rules to improve coordination among state agencies providing primary prevention services
  • Lead collaborative efforts and leverage resources to advance innovative prevention approaches

The strategic plan identifies the opportunities for investments of staff time and funding resources. Annually, the Prevention Board approves a Community Investment Plan with modifications at each quarterly Board meeting. Below is the most recent biennial report to the Governor and Legislators detailing the Prevention Board’s accomplishments.To learn more see How We Invest Resources​.​

Biennial Report (2021-2023) 

For more information about how the Prevention Board has implemented its mission, vision and strategic plan, see the biennial report​. ​