
Public Awareness

​​​​​​Published in 2019, Five for Families toolkit includes information, resources and promotional materials to support the Five for Families Public Awareness Campaign, a statewide public awareness campaign to increase knowledge of the Protective Factors Framework, an evidence-informed, strengths-based approach to child maltreatment prevention and family well-being promotion.  

Positive Childhood Experiences

​Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are experiences in childhood that build a child's sense of belongingness and connection. Although the research on PCEs is still in early stages, the findings are very promising and warrant intentional efforts designed to disseminate understanding of the role of PCEs as well as specific efforts to support the actual development of PCEs among children and youth.  ​

Adverse Childhood Experiences

​Adverse Childhood Experiences in Wisconsin: 2011-2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Findings
Published in 2018, this report has the cumulative results from the data collected between 2011 - 2015 using the Wisconsin BRFS. The cumulative results of the Wisconsin ACE Study confirm the impact of ACEs on a wide spectrum of social, mental, and physical health outcomes.  ​​

Professional Development

Wisconsin Core Competencies for Family Support Professionals 

This 2022 publication outlines the types of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that support and advance the professional development and growth of parent educators, family resource providers, and supervisors. The Core Competencies aim to reach two professional levels: Direct Service Providers and Supervisors /Leadership​


