​Family Strengthening Month

April is designated as National Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month, in Wisconsin we celebrate April as Family Strengthening Month. Each year the Prevention Board partners with the Department of Children and Families and Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin (PCAW)  to create a toolkit filled with ideas, activities, and resources to encourage community-based prevention efforts in April and throughout the year.​


This too​l​kit​​ ​provides information to communities, organizations, and individuals on how to promote Family Strengthening efforts in April and throughout the year.

He​re you can find Five for Families promotional materials (and tips for using them) that you can share each day during the Family Strengthening month of April and throughout the year. 

The Random Acts of Connection outreach toolkit ​provides a series of assets that can be used during Family Strengthening Month to help encourage families to do Random Acts of Connection.

Wear B​lue ​Day ​​Poster

This calendar offers posts and corresponding images for your use in spreading the word about family strengthening on Facebook and Instagram. The calendar provides posts about family strengthening that you can post frequently throughout the year. 

Social M​edia Posts C​alendar​​



Child Welfare Information Gateway resources​ - free graphics and sample social media posts to help you make a plan to raise awareness about child abuse prevention​​

Strengthening Families messaging 

Strengthening Families is not contained to just April. In partnership with other state agencies and community-based agencies, the Prevention Board is committed to developing messages around other events to strengthen families. 

Summertime in Wisconsin can be full of family fun and adventure. Yet, filling the unstructured days of summer can also be stressful and overwhelming for both parents and kids. Here are some tools that can help families reduce the strain and increase the opportunities to create happy memories together​: ​

Sun, Fun and Family Strengthening