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Welcome to

Prevention Board

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (Prevention Board) is committed to promoting family strength and preventing child abuse and neglect through policy, education, funding and collaborating. The Prevention Board collaborates​​ with organizations throughout the state, to mobilize research and practices that enable children to ​​grow up in safe, stable, and nurturing families and communities. 

Natinal Parent Leadership Month

Search Family & Child Resources Guide

This new 2-1-1 tool is designed to support parents and caregivers throughout the state by providing connections to information and local community resources. 

FRC Developmental Evaluation

The Prevention Board partnered with UW-Madison Population Health Institute Evaluation and Engaged Research to conduct a development and process evaluation of the FRC of Quality accreditation process. The story map goes through the process and provides lessons learned. 

mother and child license plate image

Room to Grow Toolkit

Are you looking for new ways to promote your Family Resource Center? Request access to our Room to Grow community outreach toolkit. This toolkit includes customizable print and media materials to raise awareness about the services you provide for your community.​

Five for Families

Five for Families is a statewide public awareness campaign developed as a universal prevention strategy to increase the understanding of the Protective Factors Framework. Five for Families translates this framework into everyday language for parents, caregivers, friends, neighbors, and community members sharing the message of the 5 essential strengths that keep every family strong. 

The public awareness campaign includes social media and print resources, a website incorporating videos, resources and activities that help families build each of the Five Strengths and a map​ to connect families to Family Resource Centers throughout the state, and a parent curriculum to engage families in exploring their family strengths more deeply. 
